It belonged to the Studebaker family until acquired from the Studebaker estate c. 1940 by Romy Hammes in South Bend, Indiana. It is one of their three possessions at that time. The others were a1893 Studebaker Victoria and 1898 Willoghby Sleigh. All listed on the Index.

The above reads as follows...
A dry aire carrage house, seperated from any stable manure. Should be the first consideration. Ammonia arising from horse manure in a short time destroys the varnish and paint on a carriage here by, the fumes penetrating into the adjoining rooms. Frequently affecting finish, color of paint, and even color of trimmings, causing the owner to unjustly charge the carriage builders with using inferior materials.
Use cold water only, never hot water nor soap and wipe
dry after washing.
Do not allow the top of a vehicle to remain crushed or folded in the carriage house. It may spring the bows and hurt the appearance of the leather.
Keep axles well oiled. Frequent applications and less in quantity should be the rule. Do not run vehicles unless properly fitted washers.
Watch wheels if tires become loose have them set it once. Much of the durability depends on care of tires.
To preserve carriage cushions from moths, use two parts turpentine and one part camphor. Sprinkle lightly.
Look over your carriage frequently to tighten up belts or chips that are liable to loosen up.
Order your next vehicle from
Studebaker Bros. Mfg. Co.