Joel and Jerry were altar boys for St. Patrick's Church while attending St. Patrick's Grade School Kankakee, Illinois. Jerry's first Mass was May 24, 1943. Joel's may have been at the same time. Jerry continued to be an altar boy aboard the S.S. America in the summer of 1951 serving several Masses a day since there were a number of priests on board. His most recent was April 25, 2005 for Fr. Hesburgh in Nashville, Tennessee. The Mass servers book was furnished by Joel Brault May 2005.

BELOW...Jerry's First Communion Prayer Book. Joel's and Jerry's First Communion was c. 1938.

BELOW...is Romy's Prayer Book apparently passed on to him from prevoious members on April 25, 1911. Romuald became Romy.

"From your dear grandma." "Gift First Holy Communion."

Guide a person to the path of solatude. Guardian Angel. Precepts of church authority.
