Peter Hofweber

Peter Hofweber

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Photo Info
Posted By: Tom Adlhoch
Date Posted: Jan 2, 2000
Description: This photo was taken in the studio of Meason, LaCrosse Wisconsin. Juanita England has the original which she inherited from our parents. The number and split of the children seem to indicate this is the Peter Hofweber family, but their ages do not
correspond to the information that I have. I am hoping that one of the Hofwebers will be able to identify who the people are.
Date Taken: Early 1900s
Place Taken: La Crosse, Wisconsin
Owner: Tom Adlhoch
Peter Hofweber family in La Crosse ? Make Cover Photo
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Read what others had to say:
Jerry Hammes - May 24, 2005 Edit | Delete | Viewers
from Jerry Hammes. You are correct. My Mom Dorothy on far right. Rose far left. More infor/photos on my web site www.jerryhammes.com/Family Tree/Hofweber
Tom Adlhoch - May 24, 2005 Viewers
Jerry - Thanks for your information and confirmation. I believe I have
now identified all of those in the picture. Left to right standing in the
back row are:
Rosa M. (Rose) Married name Raper, Husband name Harry
Josef Edward
Peter John Jr.
Katherine Married name Hagen, Married Harry
August J. (Gus)
Seated are (l. to r.):
Frank Henry
Katharina (Reber)
Peter Johann
John L.
Dorothy Marie Married name Hammes, Married Romy a.k.a. Romuald
Any further info on these people is appreciated.
