October 1, 1925

This was the cake smashing car.

Front Row...Un, Un, Un, Babs Hammes, Margorie Klema,
Tracy Shnayberger, Dorothy Hammes, Romy Hammes, John Hofweber,
Anton Hammes, Ron Hammes, Un with DoDo Gatchell, Behind The Front Row...Harry Hagen,Kate Hagen, Un, Emma Hammes, Rose Raper, Greg Hammes, Un,Ceal Hammes, Msgr. Cuzaneau, Gene Hammes, David Hammes, Phillis?,Fr. Un, Romayne Collins, Mike Collins, Diane Hammes, Laura Hammes,John Hammes, Tony Hammes, Sybilla?, Mike Hammes & Jim Hammes.

L to R...Top Row...Mike Hammes, Romy, Dorothy, Emma and Anton.
Second Row...Margorie Raper Klema with husband Roy and children.
Third Row...Laura and John Hammes with Barb and Ron.
Third Row Middle...Seated Fr. Hounds, Msgr. Kusono, Unidentified.
Bottom Row...John and Gene with Mike.