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Clarence Hammes

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Clarence is my father at the age of 17. The other is my grandfather Elmer, on the left and his brother. As you can see, there is a great resemblance between Elmer and your Anton. The resemblances to me are very dramatic. My father resembles your Robert Hammes. There is no doubt there is a close relationship. I have also found out that my dad's aunt in Sheboygan knew Romy.

The first picture was interesting to us, because the person on the far left bears a striking resemblance to my father, Clarence Hammes, born in 1920. Do you have any information on that photo, when it was taken, where it was taken, who is in the picture? We are descendents of Joseph Hammes of Sheboygan, who came to the US from Germany around 1850-1855. My father was born in Sheboygan, and so was I. But I haven't yet been able to positively link the Hammes family from LaCrosse with the Sheboygan Hammeses. If you saw a picture of my father when he was young, you would definitely be able to see the physical resemblance.

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