St. Thomas More Chapel in the Newman Center located next to the Wisconsin State University, now known as The University of Wisconson, River Falls. The sanctuary has been dedicated in the honor of Dorothy & Romy Hammes in appreciation of their gift. This gift was obtained by Bishop George A. Hammes, Bishop of Superior.

February 3, 2004
Sorry this took so long, but I was doing some thinking.
We always have needs, (why would we be any different)
I have three projects in the plans at the moment, none of which the diocese will fund, fact is they cut our budget.
This is the preferred project that would directly affect the students. We have a computer lab with 4 computers on a broadband connection. The newest of these computers is about 3 years old and the rest are more like 5-6 years old. They just can't do the job. I would like to purchase 4 new computers, networking ready, a new printer and then use the newest old unit as a server. This project would be my preference because it will directly impact our students.
Thanks VERY much, we really appreciate it!
Tom Weiss
Deacon Thomas Weiss
Coordinator of Newman Ministries
St. Thomas More Newman Center
423 East Cascade
River Falls, WI 54022
Fax 715-425-6959

DEDICATED TODeacon Tom and Mary WeissCoordinator of Newman Campus Ministryfor their ability to meet students needs
With Appreciation
Dorene and Jerry Hammes
Click below for information on the Newman Center

Some of the people in the photo are:
Jeanne, Margrit, Robert, Jim, Mike, Mary and Tom
There was a card of appreciation from: Joe M., Kyle S., James G., Denise., Maria K., Jim K., Angela H., Katie Z., Kathy K., Mary W.,Mike M., Rory M., Tom W., Robert L., Jeanne F., Chris R.,& Nick Q.
Easter Sunday evening mass April 11, 2004 was for the intentions for Dorene & Jerry's honor.
BELOW...Thanksgiving 2004

Wow! What a surprise to find an angel appear to us today with yet another
gift. We at the Newman Center appreciate your remembrance and generosity!!
For this Sunday's Mass (December 12) we have added the following prayer:
"For Dorene and Jerry Hammes in thanksgiving for their generosity; we pray;
Lord hear our prayer".
We wish you and your wife health, happiness and a joyous Christmas.
God Bless,
The smallest gifts to this group produce this greatest meaningful 'Thanks"

Newman Christmas Group Picture - 2004

Computer lab 2005



Christmas In July - 2007
