Photo Journalist Leonard McCombe 9/29/1952

ABOVE...This ad appeared in all the football programs during the season that Tony Carey and Nic Rassas played.

2004 ND 28 Michigan 20
Photo by John Hammes Mowbray

2005 ND v MI
Photos by John Hammes Mowbray

2005 ND v MI
Photos by John Hammes Mowbray

Hesburgh Mass Post Football Games 2005

When I approached McAllister to draw my equipment I was told by this crusty old goat to get out as I was too small to play football at Notre Dame. Fortunately Coach Benny Sheridan was standing behind me and told McAllister to issue me equipment. Of course it was the wrong size on purpose. Sheridan knew what it was like to be a small player at Notre Dame and furthermore he excelled. That crusty old goat was really not a bad person as I got to know him later as a neighbor on East Angela Blvd. It was his personae.

ABOVE photo thanks to Richard E. Tepe, Tepe Furniture Inc., South Bend, In.
where the Hammes Family have chosen to be our place to do business since 1955.


Four Horseman

South Bend Tribune - May 4, 1922
The followuing 4 pics on permenant loan for the Center for History and Museum, South Bend, IN.
Randy Ray tooks the pics.

South Bend Tribune - October 1, 1943 |