Presented to Jerry Hammes on his retirement from Society Bank and Holding Company in 1996. His relationship began as a director in 1969 and remained through many acquisitions and mergers until he was fired by Key Corp bank holding company in 1996 by fellow Notre Dame Classmate Vick Riley. That "lemon" squeezed on me turned into "lemon aid" when I was approached by the Rosenthals about founding a new bank. The rest is wonderful recent history.
This painting of the Grotto at the University of Notre Dame is appropriately called "A Quiet Place ". It is the work of James Cullen Borden. A consummate artist, Borden has many awards.

ABOVE...Dorene, Jerry, Cousin Mike, and Jeff.

On a normal day 500 cindles will be lit. 3,600 to 4,800 are lit on typical football weekend. |