Located on the campus at the Juniper Road entrance, both campus
entrances have a Hammes building to greet you. The new 12 million
dollar undertaking Post Office-Security Service Building is a
response to the University's need for improved facilities. Hammes
Mowbray Hall represents 3 generations of gifting to the University
beginning with Mr. and Mrs. Romy Hammes over 50 years ago.
The tradition continued again in 2004. These generations also
participated in the University's previous successful 1.2 billion dollar.
'THE 3 GENERATIONS' Campaign in 1995.
Jerry Hammes Mowbray, '75 and '78 LLD.
Jeffrey Hammes, '92.
Dorene with Jerry Hammes, '53 Honorary Alumnus.
Romy Hammes, Honorary '55 LLD
Dorene, Jerry, Jeff Hammes
and Jerry Hammes Mowbray

Post card Photo Stamp limited Edition

Dorene and Jeff are missing

UnderConstruction November 13, 2004

Notre Dame IN Post Office relocates to new facility January 10, 2005
[NOTRE DAME IN 46556] ' Postmaster Ellen L Bystrom announced
today that the Notre Dame Post Office will be moving over this weekend, and will be open for business in their new location on Monday January 10, 2005. Their business hours are 8:30 AM ' 4:00 PM Monday through Friday, and 9:30 AM ' Noon on Saturdays.
.....The new Post Office is located on the corner of Saint Joseph
& Holy Cross Drives on the University of Notre Dame campus. They will
occupy the west half of the lower level of the new Hammes Mowbray Hall. There will be public entrances to the Post Office facing both Saint Joseph Drive on the west and Holy Cross Drive on the south. There will also be improved vehicle access for the public from both Douglas Road and Juniper Road, and 12 customers only parking places. The Notre Dame Security/Police force will occupy the rest of Hammes Mowbray Hall.
.....The Notre Dame Post Office is a federal agency that offers
full service to not only the University of Notre Dame, but also Saint
Mary's College, Holy Cross College and the general public. The beautiful new 24-hour lobby features Post Office Boxes for rent, a multi-commodity stamp vending machine, a coin operated copy machine, and electronic scale to weigh and rate your letters and packages. During regular business hours you can mail letters and packages, purchase stamps, postcards, envelopes, packaging products, phone cards, and Postal Money Orders.
.....Even after they have moved out of their old location, two
Postal collection boxes will remain on the island between McKenna Hall & the old Post Office off Notre Dame Avenue for convenient access to deposit mail from the south end of the campus.
Ellen L. Bystrom
P O Box 9998
Notre Dame IN 46556-9998
phone: 574-631-7304
email: Ellen.L.Bystrom@email.usps.gov

1st mail received at Hammes Mowbray Hall P.O. Box 1011

University of Notre Dame Press Release

South Bend Tribune January 5, 2005
ND police get new home
Notre Dame police Capt. Dan Kavanaugh plays the bagpipes Tuesday in front of the newly adopted Notre Dame police headquarters at Hammes Mowbray Hall.

Centerpiece for the Dedication Dinner Friday November 4, 2005 in the Hammes Student Center.
Newswire > 2005

Hammes Mowbray Hall to be dedicated Sept. 23
By: Dennis Brown
Date: September 14, 2005
Fifty years to the day after the dedication of the Hammes Notre Dame Bookstore, another building underwritten through the generosity of the Hammes family will be dedicated on campus.
Hammes Mowbray Hall, the new home of Notre Dame Security/Police and the Notre Dame Post Office, will be dedicated at 9 a.m. Sept. 23 (Friday). Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., the University's president emeritus, will offer a blessing, just as he did as president at the dedication five decades ago of the bookstore that was located on the South Quad from 1955 to 1999.
The 40,000-square-foot Hammes Mowbray Hall, which opened in January, was underwritten with a gift from Jerry and Dorene Hammes of South Bend, Ind.; their nephew, Jerry Hammes Mowbray of Reno, Nev.; and their son, Jeffrey Hammes of Kankakee, Ill.
Jerry Hammes' parents, Romy and Dorothy Hammes of Kankakee, underwrote the construction of the Hammes Notre Dame Bookstore in 1955. When the bookstore was moved to new quarters in the Eck Center in 1999 it retained the Hammes name.
Among Jerry and Dorene Hammes' previous donations to Notre Dame are a $1 million gift to establish an endowment for Campus Ministry, a $100,000 gift for a scholarship, and a $100,000 gift to endow a library collection on critical technologies in engineering. A room in the Coleman Family Center for Campus Ministry ' which stands on the site of the original Hammes Bookstore ' is named for Jerry and Dorene in honor of their gift to Campus Ministry. Jerry has been a member of the advisory council for University Libraries since 1976.
The Hammes family also has been a significant benefactor of the Indiana Province of the Congregation of Holy Cross, Notre Dame's founding religious community, through its 'Sign of Hope' and 'Living Faith' fund-raising campaigns. The family was a major benefactor in the renovation of the Sacred Heart Parish Center at Notre Dame. Jerry received the Rev. Howard J. Kenna, C.S.C., Award in 1999 for service to the congregation and University.
Jerry Hammes is president of Romy Hammes Inc. of South Bend and chairman of Peoples Bank of Kankakee County. He is a member of the class of 1953.
Jeffrey Hammes, a 1992 graduate of Notre Dame, is president and chief executive officer of Peoples Bank.
Jerry Hammes Mowbray, who was graduated from Notre Dame in 1975 and earned his law degree from the University three years later, is an attorney in Reno. Through a previous gift he established a fellowship at the Law School in the names of his parents, the late Justice John C. Mowbray and Kathlyn Hammes Mowbray of Las Vegas. Justice Mowbray was a 1949 Notre Dame graduate and Kathlyn Mowbray is the daughter of Romy and Dorothy Hammes.
The post office occupies half of the first floor of Hammes Mowbray Hall. The remainder of the building houses offices and training space for security/police.
The Moake-Park Group of Fort Wayne, Ind., designed the building and Ziolkowski Construction of South Bend was construction manager.

Christmas Eve 2005

Christmas Eve 2008
