1999 The Major Stewards Award of Holy Cross was presented by the Congregation of Holy Cross Indiana Province Priests to Dorene and Jerry Hammes for their strong and loyal support of the Cross of Hope and Living Faith Campaigns. Fr. Dorwart presented Fr. J. Lauck's "Visitation" sculpture to Dorene and Jerry recognizing them as Major Stewards of Holy Cross. The full size sculpture graces the entrance at the Hammes Bookstore. The Province founded the University of Notre Dame in 1842.

This is the inscription on the base.
Dorene and Jerry Hammes
Major Stewards of Holy Cross
Rev. William D. Dowart, C.S.C. Provincial Superior
Congregation of Holy Cross Indiana Province, 1999
"The Visitation" by Rev. Anthony J. Lauck, C.S.C.

Thanks to the Pope that raised the level of recipients. 1999 to 2014

Larger than life size "THE VISITATION" sculpture

Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth
At Mary's greeting Elizabeth says:
"Of all women you are the most blessed;
And blessed is the fruit of your womb."
Mary replies:
"My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord"
Luke 1:39 - 56
Rev. Anthony J. Lauck, C.S.C.
Donated by the Class of 1952
Their Families and Friends
Dedicated 1999