After a Notre Dame Basketball vs. DePaul game February 18, 1950 at the Chicago Stadium sponsored by The Notre Dame Club of Central Illinois. Photo is February 19th at 2:00 am after the game.
The Blue Note Nightclub in Chicago's Loop was the place to go for the best jazz anywhere. It was located in the basement where the beautiful sound and the blue smoke were always present. We frequented it when we were teenagers in high school and continued through Notre Dame. In that era it was possible to get a "drink" and not get drunk with an adjusted ID. Being allowed in there was a matter of our attitude. Notice the dress attire! We were there for the music. A drink was only to fulfill the requirements to spend money along with a cover charge, purchasing photos, cigarettes matches to match the photos. Getting buzzed was not in our program, it was about great jazz. The photo was taken by girls in short skirts with a camera to help her make a living and the owners of The Blue Note. It was a nice touch for a remembrance and here it is posted. We were ND students and visited the Blue Note after a ND basketball game in the Stadium on West Madison Street. John Carey, Vic George, Paul Rupp, and Jerry Hammes in the #1 booth next to the stage. The Errol Garner Trio was there and drummer Harold Wing came to the booth to visit.

The #1 booth was reserved for celebrities evidenced with Louis
Armstrong with the owners children.
Chicago Tribune FLASHBACK 1952 - August 3, 2003

The Wall Street Journal "Recordings"
