ABOVE...A display at the dedication at the Athletic and Convocation Center (ACC) presently known as the Joyce Center (JC) in 1968. The Michigan, Indiana, and Illinois maps show city locations by map tacs with over 200 dealers. The only 4 products purduced by Maytag are shown as minitures. 1953 to 1975

ABOVE...A display at the dedication at the Athletic & Convocation Center (ACC) presently known as the Joyce Center (JC) in 1968. The signs are some of the 50 present tenents only in South Bend. There are numerous tenants in the other 7 locations.

ABOVE...A display at the dedication at the Athletic & Convocation Center presently known as the Joyce Center (JC) in 1968. This is the remaining of 7 dealerships including 23 franchises, such as Lincoln, Mercury, Jordan Playboy, Hupmobile, etc. The first being established in 1926. The toy Model T was constructed by Jerry when he was 10 years old while being home recovering from an illness. c. 1942
