Limited Edition lapel pin thanks to the efforts of Bill Maus


Included in this goodie bag for those that attended:
Vera Bradley Bag
Main Building History Book
Main Building Print inscribed with Class of 1953
Hammes Book Store Tote Bag
Larry Murray's anthology
Trivia card deck (from AA)

Vera Bradley Bag
Also available Alunmi Water Bottle
Book on teaching

Between the Penn State and Michigan game Sept. 2006.
Louvered Door, South Bend Indiana
17 Photo's courtesy of Jim Kramer-Director of Development Priests of the Holy Cross.
Jim's assistance was most valuable in making this a success.

L to R back row...Ralph Argent, Bill Keane, Bill Berry,
Art Midili, Jerry Mulvihill, Tex M, Lee Tavis, bottom row...
George Schilling, John Pairtz, John Clark and Jerry Hammes.
Louvered Door Sept. ?, 2006

L to R...Ralph Argant, Bill Berry, Jerry Mulvihill,
Jerry Hammes, Chuck Roemer, George Schilling and John Clark.
Louvered Door Oct. 5, 2006

Our favorite server at the Louvered Door Vickie for 18+ years in 2006.
Recently, the South Bend contingent of classmates held another rather impromptu lunch, hoping to involve Bill Keane before he returned to Durham and Art Midili before he takes off for Bonita Springs, Fl. Well, Jerry Hammes, Chuck Roemer, Bill Berry, Jack Clark George Schilling, Ralph Argen (a visitor) and I had a most enjoyable lunch. Lee Tavis is in Italy until October 20, Jim Gibbons had a better offer for lunch, Art had other plans and Fr. Bartell had a trustee committee meeting and John Pairitz moved his residence and I got screwed up on the phone number. Planning another soon.

Jim Ehinger, Dave O'Leary, Mira, Jerry Mulvihill, Vic George, Jerry Hammes and Dick McConnell

The Notre Dame Magazine Winter 2006-07
