Memories Of Other Persons And Events Through My Eyes
Jerry Hammes
Johnny Orr was the basketball coach at the University of Michigan when
they came to play Notre Dame on December 3, 1969. The team and coaches were the guests of Jerry Hammes after the game at the Indiana Club. Orr was a fviend of the Salm Manager, Don'Kordel, of Roay Hammes Ford. ND 87 - MI 86. Koach Orr purchased a new Thunderbird.

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Septenber 24, 2009

Jerry Mulvihill
Bob Lally played football at ND in the early 1950's, although I did nopt know him well he was always friendly to me as well as others. When he found out I had polio he wrote me a letter giving me encouragement which meant a lot to me. Almost 60 years later I have never forgotton that.
