On May 13, 2000 The Cross of Hope Award was presented by the Provincial of the Brothers of Holy Cross Midwest Province and Holy Cross College Notre Dame, Indiana to Dorene and Jerry Hammes. The Provence founded Holy Cross College in 1968. Photos of that occasion follow:

ABOVE...Left to right...Jerry Hammes, Trustee Chairman, Art Decio, Trustee Ameritus, Bro. ?Provincial, Fr. Hesburgh, Notre Dame President Ameritus, Bro. Gilman, Holy Cross President, Marilou Eldred, Saint Mary's President & Dorene Hammes, Recipient.

ABOVE...Left to right...Jerry Hammes, Dorene Hammes, Fr. Hesburgh, & Bro. Gilman.

ABOVE...Left to right...Jerry Hammes, Bro. Gilman, & Dorene Hammes.
