0 = zero, nothin'
000 = nothin' (as seen in IOU 000)
1 = one, want
10C = Tennesse
10S = tennis
10SE = Tennesse
1CE = once
1DR = wonder
1DRFL = wonderful
1E6 = a million (calculator humor)
1E9 = a billion
2 = to, too, two (also start of any "to" sounding word, like 2DAY)
2 = Q (cursive Q) = cue, queue
22 = Tues. (Tuesday)
2DAY = today
2ISHN = tuition
2LN = toolin'
2LY = truly
2M8O = tomato
2N = tune
2Q = took you
2TH = tooth
4 = for, fore, four
4 = replacement for letters 'fo' in many words (e.g., 4ORD)
404 = not found (yes it's gone from esoteric web error code to slang-land)
411 = information
44UM = foresome
4EVR = forever
4K = fork (fuck)
4N = foreign
4NIK8 = fornicate
4ORD = ford
4PLA = foreplay
4Q2 = f$#k you, too!
4RE = Ferrari
4ST = forest
50 = Police, Cops (5-0, of Hawaiian heritage)
6 = sex
6A = sexy
6UAL = sexual
6UL = sexual
6E = sexy
6S = success
6SR = successor
8 = ate, ain't
9 = nein (no)
911 = emergency
A = eh (as in "eh buddy!")
A4 = afford
A55 = ass
AGN = again
AKA = also known as
AU = gold
AV8 = aviate
B = be
B8 = bait
B9 = benign
B10 = beaten
BA6 = basics
BB = to be, baby
BG8S = Bill Gates
BL8D = belated
BLK = black
BN = bein'
BOK = bouquet
BR8 = berate
BYU = bayou, by you (and, of course, Brigham Young University)
BZ = busy
C = see, sea
CC = (to) seize
CLA6 = classics
CMUTE = commute
CMXI = 911, emergency
CN = seein', seen
CP = sleepy
CR8 = crate
CRE8 = create
CRZ = cruise
CS = seas, sees
D = the (de)
D8 = date
D8N = datin'
D8R = dater
D9 = denyin'
DA = the
DD = to the
DMN = demon
DNIL = denial
DON = don't
DR = doctor
DRK = dark
DS = this
DU = do you
DVS = devious
DV8 = deviate
DZRV = deserve
EDUC8 = educate
EE = to ease
EL8 = elate
EL8D = elated
ENUF = enough
ERND = earned
EZ = easy
F = if
FASN8 = fascinate
F8 = fate
FKS = fucks
FN = fun
FREQ = freak
FX = effects, affects
FXION = affection
FXION8 = affectionate
FYT = fight
G = gee
GN = goin'
GND = ground
GR8 = great, grate
H8 = hate
H20 = water
HD =head
HM = home
HORM1 = hormone
HYT = height
I = eye, I
IR8 = irate
IX XI = 911, emergency
JMN = jammin'
JQ = Jack
K = ok ('kay)
KIX = kicks
KONX = connects
L = hell
L8 = late
L8R = later
LDY = lady
LEVN = leavin'
LL = to hell
LMTD = limited
LUV = love
LV = love
LVS = loves
LYT = light
M = am
M8 = mate
MF = mother#$@er
MOI = me (french)
MN = man
MN8 = emanate
MR = more
MT = empty
MUDE = mudder (as in mudder-f##er)
MV = move
MVN = movin'
MYT = might
MZLTF = mazel tov
N = and, in
N2 = into
N4C = enforce
N4CER, N4CR = enforcer
N4CMT = enforcement
NE = any
NE1 = anyone
N EMA = enema
NO = number (abbreviation: no.)
NOZ = nosy
NRG = energy
NT = night
NUTN = nothin'
NV = envy
NVR = never
NVS = envious
NYT = night
O = oh
OL = old
ONRY = ornery
OVR = over
PA = pay
PHKR = fucker
PNBL = pinball
PNDR = pounder
PP = pee pee
PRFXN = perfection
PWR = power
Q = cue, queue
QIK = quick
QRT = court
QS10 = question
QT = cute, cutie
R = are
R8 = rate
R8D = rated
R8RS = Raiders
RESQ = rescue
RETD = retired
RT = arty
RTCUL8 = articulate
RYT = right, write
RYTN = writin', rightin'
RZN = raisin'
SED8 = sedate
SN = soon
SNGR = singer
SOKEN = soakin'
SQP = scoop
ST8 = state
STR8 = straight
STR8N = straighten
SYCD = psyched
SYT = sight
T = tea, tee
TA2 = tatoo
TA2D = tatood
THRP = therapy
TM = time
TM8 = tomato
TNT = dynamite
TOTL, TTL = total
TRK = truck
TT = (to) tease
TTTT = tease (etc)
TYT = tight
U = you
U4IA, U4EA = euphoria
U4IC = euphoric
UDR = other ("udder")
UNEEK = unique
UR = your
UUUU = for you (four youse!)
W8 = wait, weight
W8R = waiter
WMN = woman, women
WYT = white
XIS = tennis
XLR8 = accelerate
XMN = examine
XMS = Christmas
XNTRK = eccentric
XNTU8 = accentuate
XS = excess
XTC = extacy
Y = why
YFS = wife's
YL = while
YN = wine (whine)
YQ = like you
YRS = wires
YY = (too) wise
Z = see, the
ZIPN = zippin'