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The following 12 photo's courtesy of John Hammes Mowbray

L to R...Tyler Mowbray, Ron Stealy-Owner and creater of the car,
and Dick Brannan-Driver

Dick Brannan with guest

Tyler Mowbray

Linda Vaughn former "Miss Hurst" with the guys. Her glory
years 1964.

The following photo's are courtesy of Ron Stealy.
Coming and going, unloading and loading.

Jerry Bowerman, who worked on the cars,
had this shirt made out of respect for Romy Hammes.

L to R...Charles Morris, Author "Total Performers
Ford Drag Racing in the 1960's", Driver Dick Brannan and
Lisa Leathery.

L to R...Jim Nace, Ron Stealy, creater of 717, Driver, Dick Brannan,
Jerry Buczkowski, Al Joniec, Jerry Sieradzki , John Cocquyt, Hubert Platt

L to R...Ron Stealy, creator of 717, Driver, Dick Brannan.

This car sold for $125,000 at this show

Dick Brannan's display.

Believed to be a WWII Ford Weasel

This gargolyl car was not on its way to Ford SowthWest Show
but would win a first place prize for the freakiest car on the

The following pics are from Jerry Buczkowski

Family Tree
Hammes Archives