Bethel College |

Kankakee Everglades |

Africa - 1953 |

Armament Transportation - 1941 |

Anchorage Alaska - 1956 |

Appreciation, Commendations, Dedications & Whatever |

Bolivia, South America - 1966 |

Bishop McNamara Catholic High School - 1963 |

Bishop Gorman High School |

Taiwan / Formosa - 1965 |

Phillipines - 1970 |

Thailand - 1966 |

Israel - 1962 |

Viet Nam - 1950 |

India - 1965 |

Hong Kong - 1964 |

Japan |

Jerry & Dorene - "Any Level Of Success Is Not Success Unless You Give Back" |

Romy & Dorothy - "Any Level Of Success Is Not Success Unless You Give Back" |

Susan & John - "Any Level Of Success Is Not Success Unless You Give Back" |

Romy & Dorothy - Civic |

Jerry & Dorene - Civic |

Romy - Business |

Jerry - Business |

Costa Rica |

Hawaii - 1968 |

Diamond Lake Michigan - 1942 |

Dearborn Inn - Michigan - 1931& Ford Field - 1927 |

Europe - 1949 |

Holland, Michigan - 1987 |

Holy Cross College - Notre Dame - 1991 |

Hope College - Michigan - 1987 |

Illinois - Jerry & Dorene |

Indiana University |

Japan - 1953 |

Jerry & Dorene - 1940 |

Saint Jude |

Kankakee Community College - 1982 |

The Kennedy's and Shriver |

Las Vegas Romy & Dorothy - 1950 |

Key Corp. |

Laurens, South Carolina - 1963 |

LIFE Magazine & Romy - 1938 |

Marmion Military Academy - 1945 |

Marycrest Crete |

Marycrest Joliet |

Marycrest Savings & Loan - 1956 * 1984 |

Marycrest - Singer - Hammes - 1954 * 1996 |

Memory Lane - Story Telling |

Mereta, Texas - 1963 |

Military - 1953 |

Notre Dame - Jerry & Dorene |

Notre Dame - Romy & Dorothy |

Noble University |

Oceanside, California - 1969 |

Our Lady Of The Lake Parish - 1987 to Today |

Olivet Nazarene University - 1968 |

Peoples Bank of Kankakee County - 1962 thru Today |

Piedmont, Alabama - 1960 |

Quonset - 1945 |

Romy & Dorothy - 1925 |

Saint Mary's - Dorothy & Romy |

Saint Mary's - Jerry & Dorene |

Silioam Springs, Arkansas - 1969 |

Society Bank and Holding Company |

Stamps - Postcards - Coins - WWII |

Stanley Clark School - 1968 |

St. Joe Valley First, Inc. |

St. Louis, Missouri - 1968 |

Stones |

St. Joseph Capital Corp. & Bank |

St. Teresa - Kankakee - 1948 |

Thomasville, North Carolina - 1955 |

University of Wisconsin River Falls - 1968 |

Wheeling, West Virginia - 1968 |

Wisconsin - 1951 |

WNIT-TV 34 And Cable 10 |

Worlds Fair |