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Archives - Notre Dame - Jerry & Dorene

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Image For Notre Dame  - Jerry & Dorene

Article Title
It Began In 1934
Hammes Hub
Loyalty Society 1842
Golden Dome Finger
Debbie Reynolds and Eddie Fisher - 1955
Firemen c. 1899
Academic - 1949 * 1952
Albert Russel Erskine - 1924
Alma Mater, Notre Dame Our Mother
Alumni - 1953
Banking Series - 1981
Benches - 1999
Bengal Bouts
Business Partners Program - 1981 * 1987
Campaign For ND - 1979 * 1981
Coach Red Salmon - 1904
Coach Knute Rockne - 1918-1930
Coach Hunk Anderson - 1931-1933
Coach Elmer Layden - 1934-1940
Coach Frank Leahy - 1941-1943, 1946-1953
Coach Terry Brennan - 1954-1958
Coach Hugh Devore - 1945 - 1963
Coach Ara Parseghian - 1964-1974
Coach Phelps
Coach Dan Devine - 1975-1980
Coach Gerry Faust - 1981-1985
Coach Lou Holtz - 1986-1996
Coach Charlie Weis - 2005-2009
Coach Tyrone Willingham
Coach Brian Kelly - 2010-Present
Car Display 2006
Cedar Grove - "The Real Last Trip"
Chess At The Bookstore
Corrigan Farewell - 1986
Cost To Attend Notre Dame - 1949
Cross Of Hope - 2000
Crossroads Africian Studies Program Notre Dame - 1970
Decio Faculty Hall
Decio Mainstage - Patricia George
Dorene Dwyer Hammes Grief Support Program - 2003
Ebony Magazine - 1950 & Observer 2000
Director's Opportunity Fund - 2003
Electric Propulsion Race Car - 2004
Fly-In Weekend - 1997
Farley Hall & Dillon Hall - 1949-1950/1951-1952
Friends Of The Library - 1983
Frosh Dance and Downbeats - Scholastic 1950
Founders All Arrived At The Same Time
Generations - 1994 * 2000
Global Issues - 2003
Golden Dome
Hammes Auditorium - 2008
Hammes Bookstore - 1953 ~ Present
Hammes Bookstore Expansion - 2008
Hammes Bookstore Dedication - Football Program - 1955
Hammes Bookstore 50th Anniversary - 2005
Hammes Bookstore & Romy's Cafe' - 2009
Hammes Campus Ministry Endowment - 1999
Hammes Community Hall - 1994
Hammes Critical Technologies In Engineering 1995 Endowment
Hammes Family Scholarship Endowment - 1993
Hammes Mowbray Hall
Hammes Mowbray Hall Benches
Hammes Mowbray Hall Unveiling December 10, 2004
Hammes Mowbray Hall Dedication - September 23, 2005
Hammes Mowbray Hall Celebration - November 4, 2005
Hammes Mowbray Hall History Prior to - 2005
Hammes Race - 2010
Hammes Student Lounge - 2001
Hesburgh Ordained Anniversarys
Hesburgh Ex Corde Ecclesiae Award Int'l Fed. Catholic Universities
Hesburgh Enjoys Speed
Hesburgh Grove - 2007 to Present
Hesburgh & Joyce Cafe Logan - 2000
Hesburgh Honorary 1953 - 2008
Hesburgh Irish Citizenship - 2012
Hesburgh & Joyce Retirement Event
Hesburgh National Portrait Gallery - 2007
Hesburgh Newspaper Suppliment - 1964
Hesburgh Trumpet Award - 2005
Hesburgh Puff Hut - 2005
Hesburgh Putting Green Augusta - 2007
Hesburgh A Typical Day... 2008
Hesburgh Sachem Award - 2006
Hesburgh Saturday Evening Post - 2006
Hesburgh 89th - 2006~2007 Birthday
Fr. Hesburgh Honored at U.S. Capital Reception - June 2013
Hesburgh Birthday's
Hesburgh - A Tribute To Father Ted - 2006
Holy Cross Associates
Honorary Alumni - 2003
Jenkins - Inaugural 2005
Joyce Center - Athletic & Convocation Center - 1968 to Present
Joyce Center Naimoli Family Sports Club - November 6, 2010
Joyce Center Rosenthal Atrium - 2007
Joyce Center Purcell Pavilion - 2010
Hesburgh - 70th Anniversary of Ordination - 2013
Joyce EX - VP General
Joyce EX - VP 50 Years a Priest - 1999
Joyce EX - VP 50th Anniversary - 1983
Joyce EX - VP Profile - 1999
Joyce EX - VP 35th Anniversary Retirement - 1987
Library Advisory Council - 1976 to Present
Library Dedicatiion - 1964
Log Chapel - 1832
Kenna Award - 1999
Major Stewards Of Holy Cross - 1999
Malloy, President
Mardi Gras - 1952
Michiana Salutes Monk - 2005
Moose Krause
Noter Dahm Higher Education
N.D. Was Not Always Tax Exempt - 1882
Nevada vs ND Football Dinner - 2009
New Sculpture Honors ND's Hesburgh, Joyce
Observer - September 23rd Dedication 2005
NYPD-NYFD 9/11 - 2001
Observer Student Paper - 1970
150th Sesquicentennial - 1992
170th - 2012
Peoples Bank Scholar Program - 1996
Postcards c. 1940's
Prayer Book
Cavanaugh, President
President's Circle - 2002
Presidents - Hesburgh, Malloy, Jenkins etc. - 1842 - 2005
President's Lecture Series - 1998
Religious Bulletin - 1950
Rowing Club - 1971
Sailing Club - 1949
Scholarship Benefit Book Fair set at Hammes - South Bend Tribune - March 2008
Senior Bar
Shrine and Altar - 1996 to Present
Sign of Hope, Living Faith and The Visitation
South Bend Tribune - April 1964
Sorin Society - ????
Stepan Center Car Show - 1964
St. Joseph Valley Alumni
Strategic Moment - 1985 * 1990
Student Desk - 1940's
Student Life - 1949 * 1952
Student Manual - 1949
Summa - 1996 * 1969
Trio Programs - 1989
Tax Relief Day with Romy's Cafe' - 2010
University Shield
Vagina Monologues
USC - 2008
53s 53rd in 2006
50th Reunion - 2003
50th Wedding - 1954 ~ 2004
Memory Lane
Family Tree
Hammes Archives